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Who's On Your Fridge?
"His name, I later found out, was Marvin Moster. In the obvious ways, he was unremarkable. And yet, I couldn't help noticing him. He was older -- I guessed in his seventies -- and he was boxing with a trainer, punching in a rhythm they had obviously practiced before, ducking his head whenever the trainer threw a hook. Two things struck me: he was in excellent shape -- evidenced by his balance, his... posted on Mar 22 2013, 17,213 reads


Our Planet Through the Eyes of Children
"A competition launched by a National Geographic photographer titled Children's Eyes On Earth has drawn an astonishing number of striking images from children in 90 countries around the world. Over 4,000 photographs, on the themes I Love Nature and I Fear Pollution, were submitted by young people under the age of 17, from regions as diverse as the USA, Romania, Australia and Iran. The winning entr... posted on Mar 21 2013, 12,022 reads


My Manifesto For A Happier World
Today is the first ever United Nations International Day of Happiness. All across the planet people are taking steps towards our greater collective well-being, and are celebrating their "Happy Heroes"! In honor of this special day, the head of UK-based initiative Action for Happiness has created a 12-step Manifesto For A Happier World -- and it calls for change not just from world leaders but from... posted on Mar 20 2013, 23,963 reads


What Signs Are You Not Seeing?
"I want you to think about some of the big signs with big messages that I bet you wish you could wear around your neck sometimes so that people would be more gentle ... or even that you could put around the neck of someone you love ... my husband had an accident in 2004 that injured the frontal lobe of his brain. It has taken 6 years to get him back but in the middle there, between 2004 and now lo... posted on Mar 19 2013, 74,460 reads


Amazing Father-Daughter Duo Wins Marathon
"Iram Leon was the first runner to cross the finish line at the Gusher Marathon in Beaumont, Texas on Saturday with a time of 3:07:35. But Leon, who has brain cancer, insists that his 6-year-old daughter was technically the winner -- he pushed her in a stroller the entire 26-mile race. "Here sore, reflecting and grateful, I still can't believe that I won a marathon. Well, I came in second behind K... posted on Mar 18 2013, 13,342 reads


How Do You Measure Your Life?
"Every year, HBS Professor Clayton Christensen teaches students that well-tested academic theories can help them succeed not just in business, but in life. He expounds upon those lessons in his book, How Will You Measure Your Life? (...) "You'll see that without theory, we're at sea without a map or a sextant," Christensen writes. "If we can't see beyond what's close by, we're relying on chance --... posted on Mar 17 2013, 9,644 reads


Love Your Life: An Interview with Maurice Sendak
As our spirit grows, we become more in touch with the beauty of the world. Artist Christoph Niemann illustrates his personal take on an interview with Maurice Sendak on NPR's Fresh Air. He invites us into a world of wild things, inspiration and the love that Sendak has for the world. "Live your life, live your life, live your life."... posted on Mar 16 2013, 6,462 reads


The Empathy Machine
When you think about Sherlock Holmes, chances are it's not his big, warm heart and his generous nature that come to mind. In fact, you might think of him as a cold fish. Yet in 'Silver Blaze', Arthur Conan Doyle's story of the gallant racehorse who disappeared, Holmes takes an imaginative leap, not only into another human mind, but into the mind of an animal. This perspective-taking, being able to... posted on Mar 15 2013, 7,548 reads


Letters From Strangers Save Teen's Life
"Words have power. They can tear a person down, or build someone back up -- as we found on the road in Columbia, Maryland "There are a lot of kids out there that suffer depression and anxiety," said seventh-grader Noah Brocklebank. And not many are willing to talk about it on national television. "Not many are willing to talk about it, period," said Noah." When Noah posted a note on Facebook about... posted on Mar 14 2013, 7,352 reads


Insights From The Science of Meaningful Life
"'The science of a meaningful life'-- has exploded over the past 10 years, with many more studies published each year on gratitude, mindfulness, and our other core themes than we saw a decade ago. 2012 was no exception. In fact, in the year just past, new findings added nuance, depth, and even some caveats to our understanding of the science of a meaningful life. Here are 10 of the scientific insi... posted on Mar 13 2013, 19,432 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world.
Grant Peterson

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